Artificial Intelligence in Design Panel II
The second “Artificial Intelligence in Design Panel,” following the first hosted by the Faculty of Art and Design at Kadir Has University, will be held at the GTÜ Faculty of Architecture. Organized by the GTÜ Architecture Faculty Research Platform (GTÜMİMHUB) and its sub-research group, Digital Media and Artificial Intelligence, the event will take place on Friday, November 1, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The panel will feature designers, academic architects, and engineers working on the use and development of AI tools in design processes. The event aims to provide a platform to discuss the highly current topic of AI in architecture and design and to share ideas for future research. The event program is as follows.
10:30-11:30 Opening
Prof. Dr. Elif Özlem Aydın, Dean of the GTÜ Faculty of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Banu Manav, Dean of the KHAS Faculty of Art and Design, MIDEKON Board Member
Artificial Intelligence in Design Education
Lecturer Aysu Dericioğlu Egemen, Faculty Member at Bilgi and Özyeğin University
Intellectual Property, Ethical Principles, and Artificial Intelligence
11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-13:15 Morning Session
AI in Architectural Design and Design Education
Chair: Prof. Dr. Birgül Çolakoğlu, ITU
Prof. Dr. Arzu Sorguç, METU
New Cyborgs
Dr. Lecturer Dilara Kelle, KHAS
Dialogues on Artificial Intelligence in Design Practice
Prof. Dr. Levent Arıdağ, GTÜ
Artificial Intelligence as Human-Machine Collaboration
PhD Candidate Research Assistant Burak Delikanlı, ITU
The Reality of Architectures, The Architecture of Realities
13:15-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-16:00 Afternoon Session
AI in Design and Cultural Heritage
Chair: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sinan Akgül, Dean of the GTÜ Faculty of Engineering, Faculty Member of Computer Engineering
Dr. Lecturer Can Uzun, Altınbaş University
Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design
PhD Candidate Research Assistant Veli Mustafa Yönder, IYTE
Exploration of Vernacular Architecture with Deep Learning Models and Machine Learning Algorithms
PhD Candidate Research Assistant Cem Balcan, Gökberk Yıldırım, GTÜ
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the 3D Reconstruction Workflow
Emirkan Burak Yılmaz, GTÜ Computer Engineering
A Historical Perspective through AI Classification: Classifying Late Ottoman and Early Republican Era Buildings with Convolutional Neural Networks
16:00-17:00 Discussion I Forum